What Patients Need To Know About Eye Cataract Surgery

8 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Anyone looking at the possibility of eye cataract surgery will want to know as much about it as possible. It is wise to start with the basics, so here are three things you ought to learn about the process. When Is Cataract Surgery Necessary? Cataracts can appear at any time in a person's life, and there are even babies born with the issue. However, cataracts are most strongly correlated with aging. Read More 

Can An Optometrist Treat Your Eye Wrinkles?

13 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you have tiny fine lines around the outer edges of your eyes, you may apply a cream to the wrinkles every night before bedtime. But if the wrinkles don't go away with your nightly routine, ask an optometrist if they treat cosmetic eye problems. Many optometrists use special injections to treat their patients' eye wrinkles and other eye-related problems. Learn more about eye wrinkles and how an optometrist may help you treat them below. Read More 

What Can An Eye Exam Detect?

24 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Eye exams are important and should be a part of the yearly exams you remember to do in order to take care of your health. Your eyes are an important organ and should be treated as such, which means you need to get an eye exam in order to update prescriptions and to detect vision or eye health problems so they can be treated properly. If you aren't getting a yearly eye exam, there could be things that have gone undetected, and your vision or eyes could be suffering. Read More