How To Prepare Your Child For An Eye Exam

22 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog


If you have a child that is showing signs they might need glasses, you need to schedule an eye exam with an optometrist. Optometrists work with patients of all ages, unlike specialty children's physicians like pediatricians. Getting your child ready for their very first appointment can come with some anxieties. Some kids handle these new situations better than others. Here are a few ways you can prepare your child for an eye exam and make it a better experience for everyone involved:

Talk To Your Child

Talking to your child may seem obvious, but some parents want to avoid the anxiety that can stem from nervous anticipation. Communicating about an eye exam is better for everyone. Letting them know when the appointment will take place and the standard eye exam procedures can help your child feel more secure. They may still have some anxiety, but giving them time to process things and ask additional questions can help them feel more prepared to meet the Optometrist. 

Read Some Books

Reading books about other kids having new experiences or books about a child's eye exam is a great way to help them continue to prepare. You can check out the local library for books that are related. The books exist because there have been other parents in the same situation. Reading can be a great tool and can lead to great conversations for families.

Go Over Appointment Specifics

Kids feel better when they know what's ahead. Go over the basics of the upcoming eye exam and explain the machines and tools that optometrists use in their office. Letting them know you will be present through the whole appointment can provide the reassurance they need. When they get to the appointment and recognize some of the procedures, it will feel like a parenting win.

Call the Optometrist Office

Your kids' anxieties may heighten your own as the parent. If you want to know more about how the office staff handles children with anxiety or tears, call and ask them for procedures. You can give them a heads up about your prep work if you feel it would be helpful. Optometrists know that kids handle new experiences like eye exams differently. Calling ahead can calm some of your own nerves. 

Preparing your child for their upcoming eye exam can take some time. Taking the time to do it right can help everyone have a better visit to the optometrist. Find the right doctor and start talking to your child about the eye exam process, you might find you learn a few things, too.

To learn more about eye exams, reach out to a local eye doctor.